The objective of Sport Care Access is to empower people who are marginalized in society due to poverty, disability or unfortunate social circumstances.Countries we currently offer projects in, are the United Kingdom, DRC (Congo).Talks are presently underway to expand a pilot project to South Sudan, Republic of Congo, and in the future, African diaspora communities in Europe
African communities are in desperate need of assistance and the aim of Sport Care Access is to form partnerships which will contribute to breaking this cycle at grassroots level and impact positively on the lives of those involved in the programmes we offer however small.
Current programmes in sport development UK and DRC (Congo) and in mental health (wellness) on which local people depend, are under threat of closure due to lack of funding. ARI seek to prevent these closures by providing long-term financial support through the involvement of funders, business people and other partners. Beyond that, we want to see projects develop and become sustainable, and become more supportive of local communities.This will only be possible through the support of a growing membership support base.
Empowering rural or other undeveloped communities, especially the unemployed, disabled and children to attain skills and utilize natural or other local resources in order to break the cycle of poverty is a long-term aim and priority for S.C.A. Carpe Diem!
Sport Care Access strives to add value to peoples’ lives through a range of sporting and other community programmes.We have operated as an international development agency for a number of years now and offer our expertise in the United Kingdom (London), Europe, and the DRC (Congo). A number of additional programmes in Europe and other countries on the African continent are in the planning stage and will shortly begin the ‘pilot phase’.
We are different to many other organisations of our size, who operate in the same field, as we work predominently at ‘grassroots ‘ level, acquiring dedicated volunteers who have experienced poverty, distress, trauma and and upheaval in their own lives and look to change their own personal circumstances.
Empathy, a distinct understanding of the different needs of people in our programmes is paramount in everything we do. We believe in ‘ a life saved, is a community bettered’, and our ongoing projects, especially our sports development programmes reach a lot further than just the individual. We influence a change in lifestyle, for the individual, the family, a community and society as a whole.
If we all do just a little more to contribute, our immediate communities would develop favourably and social mobility would be impacted positively. Government need to be fast-tracking issues such as funding for better mental health systems, better services for the elderly, and even more funding opportunities for pilot youth community projects.They need to be supported and sustained, not deprived of their funding, as the vulnerable are always affected most.
Nelson Mandela once said “To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
Our Vision
Our Mission